Faecal Egg Counts
Herbal and Homeopathic Vet in North Wales & NW England
Natural Pet Care Holistic Vet
  • © 2023 Graham Hines MRCVS - 07903286439 Contact Me 0

Worm Egg Counts

Worm Count Kits

Test your pets faeces for the presence of worm egs before spending out on or giving drugs to kill worms.

You can read more about my recommended parasite control on
these pages

Faecal Egg Count

Faecal Egg Count (FEC) is a method of determining how many internal parasite eggs are present in a particular dung sample. It may also be possible to determine the different types of worms or other parasites present.
If eggs are found in a faecal sample it shows that worms are present in the animal.and you should get a wormer for your pet.

We always test our sample twice to ensure a professional accurate result

This is the lab we use and you can read a lot more about intestinal and lungworms found in the uK on their pages

More Information

The procedure is:

Buy a kit, collect a stool sample or samples, send it to the approved lab in the enclosed envelope and we get the results a few days later. Our vet will report back with a recommendation.

Read more about natural parasite control on these pages and why for environmental reasons as well as your pet's health you should not over worm.

Why worm a dog with no worms Test first

Kits available in our shop:

Dog & Cat Intestinal Worm Count Kit

Gut worm Kit

Prices £17.00
Bulk Discounts available £1.00 discount for 3+

Dog & Cat Lung Worm Count Kit

Lung worm Kit

Prices £17.50
Bulk Discounts available £1.00 discount for 3+

Dog & Cat Combined Kits

1 x Gut & 1 x Lung worm Kits

Select in the Shop:

Prices from £27.50
Prices £27.50
Bulk Discounts available £2.00 discount for 3+

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Worm Count Kits

Dogs and Cats

A kit to collect your pet's poop to send to the lab..

And then you will get results back and our Veterinary Surgeon will recommend treatment or not depending on the results

If you order you will receive a package with the equipment needed to collect a small faeces sample. You send it off the in envelope provided and our Vet gets the results back by email and we will forward it to you with professional recommendations.

In most cases you will find no worms and will not need to do any thing.

Postage and Lab testing included

What this tests for:
Dog & Cat Roundworm

Roundworms are canine common internal parasites in dogs. Resembling spaghetti, adult worms are three to four inches long. There are several ways dogs can become infected.
Dog & Cat Hookworm

Hookworms are much smaller than roundworms—less than an inch long—and reside primarily in the small intestine. Because they feed on an animal’s blood, hookworms can cause life-threatening aenemia. Hookworm eggs are passed in the stool and hatch into larvae, and dogs can become infected either through ingestion or skin contact. Please note, hookworms are more common in dogs than cats.
Dog & Cat Tapeworm

Long and flat, tapeworms are segmented parasites and range from 4 to 28 inches in length. An infestation can cause vomiting or weight loss. Dogs acquire tapeworms by ingesting an intermediate host, like an infected flea or rodent. When dogs are infected, tapeworm segments—actual pieces of the worm that resemble grains of rice—can often be seen on the fur around a dogs hind end.

Read More and Buy from us in our shop

All results checked by our Vet and treatment recommended where needed

Dog & Cat Gut Worm Count Kit

Intestinal worm kits

Prices £17.00
Bulk Discounts available £1.00 discount for 3+

Dog & Cat Lung Worm Count Kit

Lung worm Kit

Prices £17.50
Bulk Discounts available £1.00 discount for 3+

Dog & Cat Combined Kits

1 x Gut & 1 x Lung worm Kits

Select in the Shop:

Prices from £27.50
Prices £27.50
Bulk Discounts available £2.00 discount for 3+

What types do we identify?

Dog Worms Analysis

  • Capillaria- Eucoleus Boehmi

  • Angiostrongylus vasorum (Heartworm)

  • Spirocerca Lupi

  • Dipylidium caninum (Tapeworm)

  • Echinococcus multiocularis (Tapeworm)

  • Taenia pisiformis (Tapeworm)

  • Mesocestoides (Tapeworm)

  • Echinococcus granulosus (Tapeworm)

  • Toxascaris leonina (Ascarid) (Roundworm)

  • Toxocara canis (Ascarid) (Roundworm)

  • Ancylostoma caninum (Hookworm)

  • Uncinariasis epencephala (Hookworm)

  • Trichuris Vulpes (Whipworm)

  • Cystospore (Coccidia)

  • Giardia Cyst

Cat Worms Analysis

  • Dipylidium caninum (Tapeworm)

  • Echinococcus multiocularis (Tapeworm)

  • Taenia pisiformis (Tapeworm)

  • Toxascaris leonina (Ascarid) (Roundworm)

  • Toxocara canti (Ascarid) (Roundworm )

  • Braziliense (Hookworm)

  • Ancylostoma tubaeforme (Hookworm)

  • Trichuris vulpis (Whipworm)

  • Isospora felis & rivolta (Coccidia)

  • Giardia Cyst

Lungworm Kits

for Dogs and Cats

A kit to collect your pet's poop to send to the lab to check for lung worm eggs

And then you will get results back and our Veterinary Surgeon will recommend treatment or not depending on the results

If you order you will receive a package with the equipment needed to collect a small faeces sample. You send it off the in envelope provided and our Vet gets the results back by email and we will forward it to you with professional recommendations.

In most cases you will find no worms and will not need to do any thing.

Postage and Lab testing included

Dog & Cat Lungworms
Unlike intestinal parasites, lungworms reside in the lungs of a dog. Most dogs will not show any signs of having lungworms, but some can develop a cough. Snails and slugs are popular intermediate hosts of this type of parasite, but dogs are usually infected after eating a bird or rodent who has ingested an intermediate host.or drinking from streams or puddles.
Our Lungworm faecal sample test is done using a technique called Baermann flotation , which may show larvae of both Angiostrongylus and Crenosoma but bear in mind that larvae may only be present intermittently in the faeces and dogs may show clinical signs such as coughing prior to the larvae being present in the faeces.
The faecal sample is suspended in a solution for 24 hours, Then analysed, Lungworm Faecal tests are not 100% , if you know of Lungworm cases in your area a veterinary blood test is advisable.

What types do we identify?

Dog Lungworm Analysis

  • Oslerus osleri. (Canine Lungworm)

  • Crenosoma vulpis, (Fox Lungworm)

  • Filaroides Hirth (Canine Lungworm)

  • Eucoleus aerophiles (Hedgehog Lungworm)

  • Angiostrongylus Vasorum (French Heartworm)

Cat Lungworm Analysis

  • Capillaria Aerophilus

  • Aelurostrongylus Abstrusus

Dog & Cat Gut Worm Count Kit

Intestinal worm kits

Prices £17.00
Bulk Discounts available £1.00 discount for 3+

Dog & Cat Lung Worm Count Kit

Lung worm Kit

Prices £17.50
Bulk Discounts available £1.00 discount for 3+

Dog & Cat Combined Kits

1 x Gut & 1 x Lung worm Kits

Select in the Shop:

Prices from £27.50
Prices £27.50
Bulk Discounts available £2.00 discount for 3+

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Giardia Cysts

It is not a worm, Bacteria or Virus!! Giardiasis is an intestinal infection in humans and animals, caused by a microscopic protozoan parasite. Statistics say 50% of puppies and younger dogs will suffer from Giardiasis in their lifetime!
Giardia is very difficult to detect in a normal faecal test, Giardia is inconsistent when shedding, from ingestion the Cysts can take 5-12 to show in a canine faecal sample and 5-16 days for a cat so the faecal sample tested may not contain the cyst.

This is why we recommend a Giardia home test between faecal tests.
Giardiasis can cause diarrhoea, in animals and people. But the majority of dogs infected with Giardia do not have diarrhoea, vomiting, or any other signs of illness.
Giardiasis can be transmitted by eating or sniffing the cysts from contaminated ground, grass or by drinking contaminated water.
If an animal is diagnosed it is very dangerous for people suffering from Aids, cancer or undergoing chemotherapy.
If detected a good chlorine bleach dilution should be used and all bedding, toys and bowls washed.

The Giardia Antigen Kit is highly accurate and perfect for quick identification for those who suspect Giardia. The kit is simple to use and comes with full instructions. Should you suspect that your dog or cat has giardia (especially if they are very young or old) then we recommend purchasing this kit and testing as soon as possible. There is a video of “how to use” on our Facebook page.
Common Signs that Giardia is present:
  • Giardia infection in dogs may lead to weight loss
  • Chronic intermittent diarrhoea
  • Fatty stool
  • The stool may range from soft to watery
  • Infected dogs tend to have excess mucus in the faeces
  • Vomiting may occur in some cases
It is important to note that not every Dog or Cat will show all the clinical signs of Giardia.

Please note:
A Fecal egg count is a snap shot of a specific moment in time. The test detects eggs of mature parasites that live inside the body and pass their eggs to the outside by shedding them into the dogs stool’s. It is possible that at the time of testing the parasites are too young to produce eggs, if no eggs are being shed the infection cannot be detected. There is also a possibility the eggs are In such small numbers at the time of testing they would be undetectable Thus showing a negative result.

The above is extremely rare but we would like to point out the possibilities.

Instructions for taking samples:
Worm (Green poo bag x 1)
Lungworm (Brown poo bags x 3) 3 samples taken over 3 days.
Puppy Pooled Litter worm Kit (Green poo bag x 3) 3 pooled samples taken over 3 days.

  1. Place the sample in the relevant poo bags
  2. Put the poo bag/s into the smaller compostable zip bag
  3. Place this into the larger compostable zip bag
  4. Complete your information leaflet
  5. Place both the leaflet and the larger compostable bag (which now contains your sample/s) into the postage bag.

Then contact us and we will recommend what to do.

© G Ralph Hines
Dr Graham R Hines MRCVS
Dee View Road, Connah's Quay
Flintshire, CH5 4AY

Tel:+44 (0) 7903268439
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