homeopathic tonics for dogs and cats
Pilgrim's Pet Tonics
Natural Pet Care Holistic Vet
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Pilgrim's Pet Tonics

Pilgrims Pet Tonics

A range of combination homeopathic remedies based on the discontinued MacSamuel Range.

Strict legal stipulations leave the wording here and information on the package somewhat vague. We are not allowed to give specific indications You can get some ideas from the descriptions below and from reading my advice site or contacting me for a consultation.

The book Your Dog and Homeopathy written by Atjo Westerhuis can also fill this gap and is highly recommended. Some extracts will soon be published elsewhere on the natural medicine part of the site to aid your choice

Available on the Book Page from Amazon or from Saltaire Books (Freeman's Chemist)

The cost of the tonics at present is £8.50 including VAT
They are supplied as a 25ml dropper bottle of a remedy in approx 20% alcohol one gives just a few drops at a time.

Choose which you would like on the right or below:

Read more about each below
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Birth Tonic

Birth Tonic
(including postage to UK)

Product Details
a combination of 3 homeopathic remedies to aid recovery from difficult births in the dog or cat or reduce the likelyhood of problems before they happen it contains:
Ingredients: Diluted extracts of Mountain arnica, Blue colh and Savin Tree.
Homeopathic: Arnica 6x, Caulophylum thalictroides. 4x and Sabina. 6x.
Packaging: 25ml dropper 25% alcohol
Dosage: 3-4 drops 3 times with 1-2 hours between doses. This can be repeated again after 4 hours but if not affect then other intervention should be considered.
It is often best to start Caulophylum before problems begin and to give to bitches if they have had problems in the past with welping. Start 5 days before welping. Give these drops 3 times daiy for a couple of days before welping.
Individual Remedy Pictures:
Arnica exhaustion, fatigue bruising.
Caulophylum: cervical dilation
Sabina: Uterine tonic.
To aid weak contractions during labour.

Home Alone Tonic

Home Alone Tonic
(including postage to UK)

Home Alone Tonic

a homeopathic remedy for the fear of being alone in particular at night may lead to destructive tendancies urinating or defaecating in the house in the same place each time.

Ingredients: Diluted extracts of Thornapple and windflower
Homeopathic: Stramonium 6x and Pulsatilla 6x

Packaging: 25ml dropper 15% alcohol

Dosage: 1dropper daily for up to 8-12 weeks.

Individual Remedy Pictures:
The constant theme of this remedy is of an insecurity about safety and finding an otherwise familiar environment threatening. A fear of being alone in particular at night may lead to destructive tendencies urinating or defaecating in the house in the same place each time. These symptoms may develop after a sudden change in circumstances such as a house move. It may become over attached to 1-2 persons and occasionally aggressive with strangers. Fear of dark and mirrors are keynotes. Separation anxiety.
Insure, soft and needy

Joint A Tonic

Joint A Tonic
(including postage to UK)

Joint A
a combination of 2 homeopathic remedies Bryonia and Calc. Flour. suits animals with pains in the joints that find it hard getting going especially in the evening

Ingredients: Diluted extracts of Bryony, and Calcium Flouride.
Homeopathic: Bryonia 12x and Calc. Flour. 12x.
Packaging: 25ml dropper 20% alcohol
Dosage: 5 -10 drops depending on size of patient once or twice daily for 2 to 4 months. If symptoms worsen on twice daily just give once daily.

Koff-off Tonic

Koff Off Tonic
(including postage to UK)

Koff-Off Tonic a combination of 4 homeopathic remedies for coughs and respiratory problems in the dog or cat. Active Ingredients: Arsenicum album 6x, Cuprum aceticum 4x, Kali bich 4x, Drosera 2x, Spongia tosta 4x. Individual remedies a brief description: Arsen alb. Viral infections of the airway Cuprum ac. Bronchospasm Kali bich: stringy discharges Spongia: tickly cough Drosera: throat infections Dosage: Give 1 dropper (small dogs and cats) to 2 droppers (larger dogs) 3 times daily, the medication can be given in water, milk or directly into the mouth. Results may not be seen for 1 week continue for up to 4 weeks. Consult your vet if it persists. Remedy Picture: The tonicum fits the following picture: A dog that coughs when pulling on its collar or excited. He has coughing spasms as if a bone was stuck in his throat and may cough up a small amount of sticky white mucous looking like egg white. (Kennel Cough can appear like this of course)

Milk no Pups Tonic

Milk no Pups Tonic
(including postage to UK)

Product Details
a combination of 4 homeopathic remedies for the relief of milk-no-pups syndrome in the bitch which is quite common a couple of months after a season if she is not pregnant whether mated or not.
it contains
Ingredients: Diluted extracts of Devils Dung, Ignatia bean, sage and nettle.
Homeopathic: Asa foetida 4x, Ignatia 6x, Salva off. 2x, & Urtica 6x
Packaging: 25ml dropper 15% alcohol
Dosage: 1 dropper 3 times daily for 2-3 weeks.
Individual Remedy Pictures:
Asa Foetida: regulates lactation and maternal hysteria.
Ingatia: Grief and depression.
Salvia off.: suppression of unwanted milk production.
Urtica.: suppression of unwanted milk production
Together the picture matches a bitch with a phantom pregnancy: depressed sometimes grumpy and irritable behaviour. Miserable indoors and milk production. She may 'adopt ' toys etc as pups and nesting behaviour

Noise Tonic

Noise Tonic
(including postage to UK)

Product Details
Noise Tonic
Designed to reduce the fear of loud noise and thunder this combination homeopathic remedy contains
Ingredients: Diluted extracts of Oat, Passion Flower Rhodendron Phosphorous and borax.
Homeopathic: Avena sativa MT, Passiflora incarnata MT, Phos 6x, Rhodendron 3x and Borax 3x
Packaging: 25ml dropper 15% alcohol
Works well with Pet Remedy essential oils and DAP
Dosage: 1- droppers depending on size of patient times daily for 1-2 months.
Individual Remedy Pictures: Avena sativa & Passiflora incarnata: have a calming light sedative affect. Homeopathically the picture of Rhod. is a of a fear of rain thunderstorms and gales and borax a fear of sudden loud noise.
This makes it suitable to start a few weeks before bonfire night but is not adequate in most cases on its own on the night. CBD oils I have found can also help as may other soothing herbs

Skin A Tonic

Skin A Tonic
(including postage to UK)

Skin A - a combination of 4 homeopathic remedies for itchy skin in the dog designed to reduce skin irritation or flea sensitivity
Ingredients: Diluted extracts of Dog and Cat flea, house dust mite, combined cultures of Staphylococcus and mash rosemary. Homeopathic: Ctenophalum 30x, House dust mite 30x, Staphylococcum 30x and Ledum 30x Packaging: 25ml dropper 15% alcohol Dosage: 1 dropper daily for 3 months. Sometimes just for the season they are affected The first 3 ingredients are common allergens in dogs cats and man causing itching. They are in this preparation diluted and potentised so as to attempt to build up a resistance to these. The remedy picture for Ledum shows itching worse for warmth and puncture wounds such as insect bites.

Spine Tonic

Spine Tonic
(including postage to UK)

a combination of 3 homeopathic remedies for loss of use of the hind legs due to paralysis caused by spine or nerve problems such as CDRM or arthritis
Ingredients: Diluted extracts of Devils Claw, Lead and Strychnine nitrate. Homeopathic: Harpagophytum 6x, 6x, Plumbum Metallicum 12x and Strychninum nit. 12x.
Packaging: 25ml dropper 15% alcohol
Dosage: 1 dropper 2 times daily for 2 to 3 months. You may be able to reduce to once daily after 3 months but keep it up if working.
Individual Remedy Pictures: Harpagophytum: boney overgrowth around joints and spine. Plumbum: nerve sensation loss and muscle wastage Strychninum nit: weakness of hind legs
See the advice notes in the ailment section for more advice about which tonic to chose CDRM
The first 3 ingredients are common allergens in dogs cats and man causing itching. They are in this preparation diluted and potentised so as to attempt to build up a resistance to these. The remedy picture for Ledum shows itching worse for warmth and puncture wounds such as insect bites.

Sport & Injury Tonic

Sport & Injury Tonic
(including postage to UK)

Sport & Injury Tonic RRA +
a combination of 4 homeopathic remedies for bruising, injury and lameness
Ingredients: Diluted extracts of Mountain Arnica, daisy, St. John's Wort, Rue and Poison Oak. Homeopathic: Arnica 6x, Hypericum 6x, Bellis perennis and Ruta graveolens. 6x. Packaging: 30ml dropper 15% alcohol Dosage: 1 dropper 3 times daily for up to 4 weeks. In some cases it can be 3 weeks before improvement is noted but usually a lot sooner do not forget not to overdo it while sore more injury may result. Individual Remedy Pictures: Arnica: Bruising as a result of trauma. Bellis perennis: pulled muscles and bruising Rhus tox.: Tendon damage. Ruta: trauma to muscle and tendons. Arnica: Bruising as a result of trauma. Together these remedies form a picture of injury, bruising over exercise or similar

© G Ralph Hines
Dr Graham R Hines MRCVS
Dee View Road, Connah's Quay
Flintshire, CH5 4AY

Tel:+44 (0) 7903268439
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