Graham Hines MRCVS
Herbal and Homeopathic Vet in North Wales & NW England
Natural Pet Care Holistic Vet
  • © 2025 Graham Hines MRCVS - 07903286439 Contact Me 0

Holistic Vet Milfeddeg Cyfannol& Official Vet

Holistic Veterinary Surgeon in N. Wales and N. W. England

I offer the following services

Homeopathy - I trained in the 1990s with the HPTG in classical Homeopathy and use this modality widely on my patients

Herbal medicine I have trained with the CIVT more recently in herbal medicine and now also use a lot of herbs in treatments

Natural Nutrition All patients we see will do better off a commercial diet I can advice further and give you guidance

Acupuncture In particular for arthritis, disc disease and lameness

Usually all four modalities come into play and are used together

Graham R Hines BVSc MRCVS LF Hom (Vet) Cert C&S Acup


Holistic Veterinary Consultations

If you want to see an holistic vet in North Wales, Cheshire or the Wirral please
contact me

Os ydych chi eisiau gweld milfeddyg cyfannol yng Ngogledd Cymru cysylltwch â mi

I am based in Deeside, near Chester and on the Wirral at the
Dog's Diner in Moreton visit either Imperial Pets most weeks.
Should you want an appointment. I also visit patients at there own homes

I will need to contact your veterinary practice for history and work in conjunction with them.
Services Offered:
While I have subdivided the modalities I use below, generally in fact I will use or recommend a combination of many or all of these.
The typical consultation will last for an hour or so and may involve a change of diet, addition of supplements as well as the use of herbs and / or homeopathic medicines as we feel most appropriate. I also use and can prescribe conventional drugs when we together feel this is appropriate.
I can advise on the use of home prepared diets raw or cooked foods which on its own can make a huge difference to many illnesses but more importantly prevent them from occurring in the first place.

Since covid we have used more and more telemedicine so if you want to book a remote Zoom consultation please contact us.

Read more about the consultation

Please note I do not provide conventional services such as X-Rays, surgery, emergency care you need to retain a regular vet for these services. Although at my new clinic in Bangor myself or colleagues there can do most surgery and testing including X rays and Ultrasound
These can be requested by yourself (self referral) for your companion or referred by your veterinary surgeon.

The consultation can be held in your home, or at Parc Vetcare, Parc Menai, Bangor or by video link.

It will last about 1 hour, I will need history from your main veterinary practice and will report back to them so they can alter treatment if necessary. They will remain responsible for other medications, routine and emergency care for your pets.

Please contact me by email or using the
form on the website or via my facebook page

Book a Video or telephone consultation today

Only £65 including homeopathic remedies

Please ring or email first Send details here

I will then send you a login link
Laboratory Tests
Allergy and Titre Testing
Antibody Titre Tests from £45.00
Thyroid Testing - Blood tests for under-active thyroids sent to hemolabs in the USA (Jean Dodds' laboratory)

Microbiome testing £150.00

Worm-count Testing See this page on the site

Consulations from £75.00
Visit Fees will depend on the distance/time involved

Natural Feeding

Natural Pet Nutrition Advice

I believe many pets generally do much better on a balanced "Species Appropriate"Raw Food diet but these can be expensive and even small changes of diet can help longevity. Vegan or Vegetarian diets can even be safer than a pure commercial dried food recent studies have shown.

I can assist you to ensure you can change to a home prepared diet you do this safely for both you and your pet.

Sometimes however cooked and special diets are better in some conditions - again please ask for advice.


Veterinary Herbal Medicine

The healing properties of plants are magnificent

I have studied the basics of Western Veterinary Herbal medicine with the
College of Integrated Veterinary Therapies and use herbs either on there own or more usually in conjunction with diet and homeopathy to achieve gentle natural healing in many condions

Read more here


Veterinary Homeopathy

A form of medicine I trained in with The HPTG in Oxford

Read more about the sorts of conditions is can be very useful for on the Medicine section of the site


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Veterinary Acupuncture

You can ask for a referral from your Veterinary Surgeon for acupuncture treatments or self refer. I will ask for history from you normal vet and report back to them.

Read more about what is involved here

I can see patients at the independent Veterinary Clinic Parc Vetcare, Bangor I will at the first consultation in most cases unless you request otherwise conduct a full clinical examination and history and may suggest other changes to your animal's diet and perhaps prescribe supplements and/or herbs. You will usually need a course of 3 to 4 half hour treatments for most conditions.

Cat asleep during acupuncture
Old chap having elctro-acupuncture

Titre Testing

Vaccicheck is a brand of Antibody Titre Test I use to check antibody levels to
Dogs Distemper, Parvovirus and Adenovirus (Hepatitis)
Cats: Panleucopenia and Feline Leukaemia

Read More about Titre Testing


See the
blog page or facebook for announcements of the next date.

We do not need referral or to inform your normal vet but will give you the results to keep them informed.

Parasite Control

Learn how you can control parasites both internal (worms) and external (fleas and ticks) using herbs combined with a regular worm count regime.
Read elsewhere about the risks and benefits of this approach

Read more…

© G Ralph Hines
Dr Graham R Hines MRCVS
Dee View Road, Connah's Quay
Flintshire, CH5 4AY

Tel:+44 (0) 7903268439
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